Friday, March 09, 2012

FDA Blocks Stem Cell Therapy: Is the Government Playing a Cell Game?

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A company is locked in a battle with the FDA over the use one's own stem cells. The company argues that one has the right to over one's own body? If that's true, why is the FDA blocking this treatment? Find out. Plus, doctors are refusing to treat children that do not get vaccinated. Is this ethical?

1 comment:

Truth Seeker said...

Natural Embryonic orm adult stem cells are not a drug and cannot be patented, but once they are manipulated they can be patented and sold. Big bucks for the companies and more power to a very corrupt FDA.
There are people on their deathbed that would be willing to take a chance with embryonic cells but the government can’t let that happen because if it works those patented stem cells would be worth nothing. It’s all about the money, and that’s it.
I know of a patient that was killed the night before he was to be transferred to a university hospital back in 2005 to have the procedure done – Of course the report said natural circumstances.
It’s bad enough that the lawyers are crooks but now doctors have become murderers.